Automation Products

Automation Overview

Automation_Reliability_Ad-256In emergency situations or everyday switching operations, you want to be sure that a SCADA controlled switch is going to operate when needed. The Cleaveland/Price family of controllers incorporates critical for reliability features that give you the confidence that the switch will be ready for action. With thousands of installations throughout North America, Cleaveland/Price controllers have demonstrated their dependability in environments from the withering heat of the southwest desert to the bitter cold of Canadian winters to the high humidity and destructive lightning conditions of southeast US. Cleaveland/Price controllers can be retrofitted to almost any manufacturer’s transmission switch or distribution switch in overhead, underground, or padmount applications. Transparent to all protocols, the controllers will fit cleanly into any SCADA system. Cleaveland/Price has joined with other leading equipment suppliers to provide complete automation packages that fulfill the needs of our customers.